Rachel Serban Spa and Wellbeing

Tension in the body is who we think we should be, relaxation in the body is who we are.

Rachel Serban


Hello and welcome, my name is Rachel and it has been a gift and a privilege to create this beautiful nurturing space of wellness for you to come and relax and enjoy blissful holistic treatments including, Indian head massage, aromatherapy massage and holistic facials and face gym. For your total enjoyment, self care & bliss time.

We welcome you with open hearts to this space, and look forward to your visit soon.
Rachel Serban Spa and Well-Being



Indian Head Massage

A classic and highly recommended for any migraine or headache sufferers, massaging from the top of the head, neck and face, concentrating on clearing the chakras or Pithas, for that refreshed and renewed feeling. Bliss in a nutshell.

Aromatherapy Massage

Enjoy an aromatherapy massage, essential oils blended to suit your mood, some hot stones to help ease any shoulder pain and gently dissolve any stressed out muscles.

Holistic Facial

Holistic facials, using a traditional Kansa wand for deep massage and detoxing, rhythmical massage and assorted rose quartz rollers. If you wanted to go a bit further, have a try of the incredible Facegym pro. This stimulates and works the muscles on the face, relieving stress and toning & contouring for beautiful skin and firmness.

Wellness Packages

Through my extensive range of all things natural and my own inner and outer healing journey, including which skincare to use, what we eat to the supplements & herbal helpers we take. I offer for those whom require a longer treatment time to go over any concerns about lifestyle choices, involving tweaking what you eat or take on a daily basis.
